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 Savannah cat studs

We are proud of our Savannah cat stud, Spot. He has a fantastic personality and nice type for my Savannah program. Spot is a huge F7 SBT weighing in at a whopping 22 pounds. He is producing some stunning Savannah kittens for us. You can check some out on savannah kittens page. I am currently looking for a new stud male to add more diversity to my lines.

Moondream “I C Spots” of Jungletouch – F7 SBT

AKA Spot

We are proud to have “Spot” in our Savannah Cat Breeding program. He proved himself at 9 months of age and at 1 year and 4 months old he weighed in at a whopping 22 pounds. Here he is stretched out on my messy couch. He has been a great asset and produces some fabulous kittens.

Spots at 7 months of age at breeder place

Spot at 9 months haging out at breeder home

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All rights reserve: Jungletouch Savannahs

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